
Current Event #6 T3 “SAT’s New ‘Adversity Score’ Will Take Students’ Hardships Into Account”

In summary of the article “SAT’s New ‘Adversity Score’ Will Take Students’ Hardships Into Account” by  Anemona Hartocollis. This article explains how College Board, the company that makes and administers the SAT tests, is adding a new category called the Adversity Score. This score will help to tell what challenges students have faced. It was made to gauge which students would succeed in college despite a lower score. It was also made to battle the association between wealthier families and higher SAT scores. College Board seems to think that if a family can just hire the best tutors and teachers, those kids will get higher scores. In my opinion, I think this is a great idea. I agree that it will help gauge students ability better than just the test without it. I think colleges should both look for naturally smart people, but more than that they should look for hard workers. I think people who work hard are more ready for the struggles of college than the students who have everythin

Current Event #5 T3 “‘It Was Like a Zoo’: Death on an Unruly, Overcrowded Everest”

In summary of the article “‘It Was Like a Zoo’: Death on an Unruly, Overcrowded Everest” by  Kai Schultz, Jeffrey Gettleman, Mujib Mashal, and Bhadra Sharma. In this article, Ed Dohring explained some of his trip up Mount Everest. He said that when he got to the top, there was a long like on an icy terrain with a thousand-foot drop. There was even a spot where he had to step over a body of someone who had just died. When he finally got to the flat summit, there were over 20 people crowded into an area he described as the size of 2 ping pong tables put together. “It was like a zoo,”  he said in his interview. This season was by far one of the most dangerous. In my opinion, this is a crazy situation. With the increasing number of tourists climbing Everest, of course, there will be more deaths. The fact that there were so many people they needed a line, and the top was packed, is crazy. Especially when you think about how you have only a limited time up there. If you run out of oxygen

Current Event #4 T# “What makes the Maine School of Science and Mathematics Maine the No. 2 high school in the nation?”

In summary of the article “What makes the Maine School of Science and Mathematics Maine the No. 2 high school in the nation?” by the Portland press. The article was explaining how despite the school being in the far corner of Maine, and in a very old building, it is still the second best in the nation. They interviewed the chemistry teacher Tracy Meyer who gave multiple quotes including “That we can attract these motivated young teenagers is really a testament to the school’s reputation,” and “I often forget that they are high school students.” They also interviewed multiple students and mentioned how the students didn't really care about the new rating of the top two in America. When asked what they do on their monthly four day weekends, most students said they slept. most students say they think of MSSM as their second home. I am actually going to that school starting next fall, so I am a little biased. The chemistry teacher they interviewed, Mrs. Meyer, was the teacher who i

Current Event #3 T3 “George Takei: At least during my internment, I was not taken from my parents”

In summary of the article “George Takei: At least during my internment, I was not taken from my parents” by Jennifer Hansler, an American actor by the name of George Takei draws comparisons between his own childhood experiences of the Japanese internment camps and the Trump administration's "zero-tolerance" policy. He pointed out that even during internment most families weren't separated, yet in this new policy thousands of children’s parents have been deported and forced to leave the country. George Takei thinks that it doesn’t take much for political leaders to convince themselves of the virtues of a policy such as an interment or the zero-tolerance policy. And since a democratic president approved internment, he states that it is not subject to a particular political party. Even the former first lady, Laura Bush, could see the similarities between the two terrible instances. She wrote "These images are eerily reminiscent of the Japanese American internment c

Current Event #2 T3 “Instead Of Wrestling A Girl, High Schooler Chooses To Forfeit State Wrestling Match”

In summary of the article “Instead Of Wrestling A Girl, High Schooler Chooses To Forfeit State Wrestling Match” by Scott Simon and Amanda Morris, a high school boy refused to wrestle 2 high school girls because it went against his moral and religious beliefs. He thought that he didn’t want to be violent with the girls on, or off the matt. He ended up forfeiting the state championships because of this. One of the girls, Jaslynn Gallegos, said that she respected his decision but did not understand it. She explained that she wants to be treated as a wrestler, not specifically a girl wrestler. She ended up getting 5th during states, and the other girl got forth. This is the first time a female wrestler has placed in the Colorado State Championships. Jaslynn Gallegos is planning on continuing wrestling in college where she will be wrestling other girls.    My opinion on this is in-between. On one hand, I get where the guy is coming from in this situation. He doesn’t want to hurt a girl

Current Event #1 T3 “Not only is Aquaman from Maine, Captain Marvel is, too”

In summary of the article “Not only is Aquaman from Maine, Captain Marvel is, too” by  Emily Burnham, the author explains how not only Aquaman is from Maine, but Captain Marvel is too. The comic released last year highlighted how she grew up in a small Maine town. At first, she just goes to visit her mom and brother, but a series of flashbacks reveal where she grew up. They filled the comic with all the classic Maine things. Pine trees, lighthouses, lobster boats, and even “...slightly embarrassingly written Maine accents.” as the author states. As the author says, it is very interesting that two characters from completely different universes come from the same state. In my opinion, this is great publicity for Maine. We need all the young people in our state that we can get. If this can bring new people moving here, or even tourists, it will be a great benefit to our state. I also think it was funny how the stereotypes for Mainers were so exaggerated. The accents are

Current Event #6 T2 "Bill Introduced to Forgive Student Loans After Five Years in Maine"

In summary of the article “Bill Introduced to Forgive Student Loans After Five Years in Maine” by Laura Rosbrow-Telem, a new bill that was introduced in Maine aimed at forgiving people’s student loans if they live and work in Maine for 5 years. The purpose of this bill, as stated by State Senate Majority Leader Nate Libby, is to create the first student debt program in America and to help attract and retain young workers. This bill has been introduced before, but it didn't make it through the Senate. Libby is planning on pushing a $250 million bond rather than a tax credit. He says $250 million is a limit, and that the state of Maine would probably not have to pay more than that. At the time the article was written, there had not been a hearing for the bill, but it was expected to take place sometime in February.    My opinion on this article is that if it’s not going to cause Maine a ton of debt, it’s a good idea. As you may know, the average age in Maine is rising, so we real