Current Event #3 T1 "Big Brother Comes To China"

        I was just reading an article from The New York Times about how the Chinese government is tracking their populations’ faces to increase security and enforce more government control. According to Martha Chorzempa, if people are unsure whether or not they are being watched, they are more likely to follow the rules, which is exactly what the Chinese government wants. They already have around 200 million cameras in use, which is 4 times the amount we have here in America, and they are expected to have 300 million by 2020. Technology used to be thought of as an asset to democracy, with many thinking it would give people more freedom by exposing them to the broader world. Surprisingly in China, it has done the opposite, giving the government more power and the public less freedom. One example of how this is working is how there was an intersection where people were always speeding, and jaywalkers were always walking past, but using their technology to display pictures and names on an outside screen showing who was breaking the law, both the jaywalking and speeding have been reduced. So far the Chinese people seem to be unfazed, and some are even supporting it! Although it is difficult to accurately gauge the opinion of the public, considering the Chinese government controls the media as well.
          I am not quite sure how to feel about this topic. On one hand, I think it’s horrible to keep tabs on everyone and know exactly what they're doing at all times. At the same time, though, the statistics are showing that it may be beneficial to the law and to its cause of reducing crime and danger. But if I had to pick a side, I would pick the side that it is not ok, because a person's right to privacy should always come first. The government should not be allowed to dictate how you live your life or all the places you go. In my opinion, the government should just be the thing to keep the country together and united. The people should be the ones who have the most say. That's my opinion. What's yours?

"Big Brother Comes To China" by Paul Mozur, New York Times Upfront, October 8, 2018


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