Current Event #5 T1 "Amazon is planning to split its new headquarters between two cities"

     In summary of the article "Amazon is Planning to Split its New Headquarters Between Two Cities’, the company of Amazon is doing just as the title specified; Splitting up its headquarters into two different places. It has not yet disclosed where the new cities will be. Originally the company was looking for just one location, but after over a year of searching, they decided on two. The original information was publicized by a person “familiar with Amazon’s thinking who was not authorized to speak publicly”. Amazon had announced that it would be choosing the cities from 20 finalists before the end of 2018. People speculate that these new headquarters will bring “$5 billion in capital investments and 50,000 new jobs into a single market”. The CEO of Amazon reports that there were over 230 cities who applied, but they narrowed it down with data. He then went on to say "but then you make that decision with your heart.".
    Personally, I think this is a good thing. But then again, is bringing new jobs to the market ever a bad thing? In the article it says “the company has decided to split the new offices between two cities, according to a person familiar with Amazon’s thinking who was not authorized to speak publicly.” but it doesn’t state whether or not this information was confirmed by Amazon. I feel like it would have been in their best interest to specify that since it would have made them seem more reliable. In the event of the CEO saying they were going to make the decisions with their hearts, there is a good part as well as a bad part to that. On one hand, it's very important to choose a nice place, but on the other, people could be so blinded by the beauty of some cities that they completely disregard a better option. That's my opinion. What's yours?

Byers, Dylan. "Amazon Is Planning to Split Its New Headquarters between Two Cities." November 5, 2018.


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