Current Event #6 T1 "The U.S. wants the Yemen war to end. Will it stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia?"

      In summary of the article “The U.S. wants the Yemen War to End. Will, it Stop Selling Arms to Saudi Arabia?”, the US has the advantage to stop selling weapons to Saudi Arabia. We would do this to try and help end the Yemen War. A war which has pushed around 14 million people to the ‘brink of starvation’. Washington D.C. supports Saudi Arabia and its allies through billions of dollars in arms sales. According to Kristine Beckerle, a Human Rights Watch’s Yemen researcher, the best way to force Saudi Arabia to ‘change their ways’ is to stop sending weapons. To stop the abuse of weapons on Saudis part, “lawmakers included a provision in a defense bill requiring the administration to certify Saudi Arabia and its allies were trying to reduce civilian casualties in Yemen” They did this because, in August, they bombed a school bus, killing dozens of children. 
    My opinion is that the US should definitely stop providing them with weapons. Especially if they are harming civilians when using the weapons we provided. I think it is crazy that this war has been going on for 3 years. It has displaced so many people and caused so much starvation, pain, and suffering. I don’t know why the US wants to rule that further. The fact that they used bombs we provided to bomb a school bus carrying civilian children is horrific. We should most definitely not provide them with weapons if that is how they are going to use them. That’s my opinion. What’s yours?

Bruton, Brinley. "The U.S. Wants the Yemen War to End. Will It Stop Selling Arms to Saudi Arabia?" November 5, 2018. Accessed November 16, 2018.


  1. This is a good current event. I think the us should stop selling weapons to Saudi Arabia.


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