
Showing posts from January, 2019

Current Event #3 T2 "The true story behind hip-hop musical Hamilton"

In summary of the article “The True Story Behind Hip-Hop Musical Hamilton”, the Broadway musical Hamilton is going on a tour of Europe. The author was summarizing the famous musical for foreign fans. Hamilton was written by Lin Manuel Miranda, and the first production ever was February 17, 2015. The first time the production went to Europe was December 6, 2017, in London. That was the start of the European tour they are currently in. The author of the article revealed a full rundown of the show and explained some things people in other countries may not understand the musical. In my opinion, I do not think the author should have revealed so much of the plot, considering the article is geared to people who haven't seen Hamilton yet. They even revealed how it ends! I think that in terms of explaining, the author did very well and it was an overall good idea. I do have to wonder if it is the same cast as the original who are touring, but I'm not sure. I am very excited about th

Current Event #2 T2 "Bush’s Letter to Clinton Cemented a Presidential Tradition, Historians Say"

In summary of the article “Bush’s Letter to Clinton Cemented a Presidential Tradition, Historians Say” by Julia Jacobs, there is an old presidential tradition of leaving a letter of support for the incoming commander in chief on Inauguration Day. In 2016, an image of president bush’s letter to Bill Clinton was widely publicized. Many commented that it was a “refreshing reminder of the potential for bipartisanship during a bitterly divisive campaign.” In the letter were words of encouragement for Bill. Every single departing president since Reagan has delivered a note or letter of wisdom and support on Inauguration day. Former President Barack Obama left President Donald Trump a note for his first day as well, and Trump had said it was a “thoughtful” and “Beautiful” letter.    Personally, I think this is a wonderful tradition. It shows the kindness of the former presidents, and I’m sure it also helps the new presidents get started. I can’t even imagine how difficult and stressful it

Current Event #1 T2 "French Police Crack Down on ‘Yellow Vests’ With Tear Gas and Over a Thousand Arrests"

In summary of the article “French Police Crack Down on ‘Yellow Vests’ With Tear Gas and Over a Thousand Arrests” by  Adam Nossiter, Alissa J. Rubin and Aurelien Breeden, the fourth weekend of anti-government protests turned violent in Paris, France on Saturday, December 2, 2018. People were burning cars, ripping down barricades from storefronts, smashing traffic signs and street lights, and much much more. Trying to quell the violence, the police forces were firing tear gas and water cannons into the crowds. These protesters call themselves “Yellow-Vests”. According to France’s minister, 118 “demonstrators” and 17 police officers were injured on the 2nd. Our very own US president withdrew from the battle to “return” money back to American people in the form of lower taxes.    Personally, I think it is crazy that France is in revolt in the first place. People there have resorted to such violence just to be heard by their government. It makes me wonder who’s right here. I also di