Current Event #1 T2 "French Police Crack Down on ‘Yellow Vests’ With Tear Gas and Over a Thousand Arrests"

In summary of the article “French Police Crack Down on ‘Yellow Vests’ With Tear Gas and Over a Thousand Arrests” by  Adam Nossiter, Alissa J. Rubin and Aurelien Breeden, the fourth weekend of anti-government protests turned violent in Paris, France on Saturday, December 2, 2018. People were burning cars, ripping down barricades from storefronts, smashing traffic signs and street lights, and much much more. Trying to quell the violence, the police forces were firing tear gas and water cannons into the crowds. These protesters call themselves “Yellow-Vests”. According to France’s minister, 118 “demonstrators” and 17 police officers were injured on the 2nd. Our very own US president withdrew from the battle to “return” money back to American people in the form of lower taxes.
   Personally, I think it is crazy that France is in revolt in the first place. People there have resorted to such violence just to be heard by their government. It makes me wonder who’s right here. I also disagree with the Paris police force using tear gas and water cannons on their own citizens! Tear gas is illegal in war, why should it be used as a mechanism to keep your very own citizens, the people you are meant to be serving, at bay? I do think lower taxes would be nice, but more so, I think that it was the wrong decision to pull out of this French revolution. That is what it's going to turn into, I think. A full-blown civil war. But that’s just my opinion. What’s yours?

Nossiter, Adam, Alissa L. Rubin, and Aurelien Breeden. "French Police Crack Down on ‘Yellow Vests’ With Tear Gas and Over a Thousand Arrests." New York Times. December 8, 2018. Accessed January 16, 2019.


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