Current Event #5 T2 "Glaciers Are Retreating. Millions Rely on Their Water."

In summary of the article “Glaciers Are Retreating. Millions Rely on Their Water.”, the glaciers in Central Asia are shrinking. This will mean less future water for people and crops. Maria Shahgedanova, a glaciologist at the University of Reading, went to check on the glacier Tuyuk Su. This glacier is one of the most studied glaciers throughout history. It really helps scientists gauge the effect climate change is having on the earth. At the end of last summer, some researchers drew lines on a stake so they could see how much it melts the next year. This year, parts of the glacier are already 3 feet thinner. Due to the rising temperature, the melting seed has surpassed the accumulation of snow, which has been resulting in a net loss of ice. The melting glaciers all over the world are causing floods, and rising sea levels, disrupting natural ecosystems. The people in central Asia could face a crop shortage if the glacier retreats too much or melts completely.
   My opinion on this article is that we should really stop global warming. I think that it is good people are studying the glaciers, and tracking global warming but I think instead of tracking its progress, we should be trying to stop it. I know some people don’t believe in global warming, but how could you not with the evidence stated in that article? I feel bad for people all over the world who are dealing with flash floods and lack of crops. It seems crazy that people aren't putting as much stress on stopping global warming as there should be. But that’s just my opinion. What’s yours?

Fountain, Henry. "Glaciers Are Retreating. Millions Rely on Their Water." The New York Times. January 16, 2019. Accessed March 04, 2019.


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