
Showing posts from May, 2019

Current Event #3 T3 “George Takei: At least during my internment, I was not taken from my parents”

In summary of the article “George Takei: At least during my internment, I was not taken from my parents” by Jennifer Hansler, an American actor by the name of George Takei draws comparisons between his own childhood experiences of the Japanese internment camps and the Trump administration's "zero-tolerance" policy. He pointed out that even during internment most families weren't separated, yet in this new policy thousands of children’s parents have been deported and forced to leave the country. George Takei thinks that it doesn’t take much for political leaders to convince themselves of the virtues of a policy such as an interment or the zero-tolerance policy. And since a democratic president approved internment, he states that it is not subject to a particular political party. Even the former first lady, Laura Bush, could see the similarities between the two terrible instances. She wrote "These images are eerily reminiscent of the Japanese American internment c

Current Event #2 T3 “Instead Of Wrestling A Girl, High Schooler Chooses To Forfeit State Wrestling Match”

In summary of the article “Instead Of Wrestling A Girl, High Schooler Chooses To Forfeit State Wrestling Match” by Scott Simon and Amanda Morris, a high school boy refused to wrestle 2 high school girls because it went against his moral and religious beliefs. He thought that he didn’t want to be violent with the girls on, or off the matt. He ended up forfeiting the state championships because of this. One of the girls, Jaslynn Gallegos, said that she respected his decision but did not understand it. She explained that she wants to be treated as a wrestler, not specifically a girl wrestler. She ended up getting 5th during states, and the other girl got forth. This is the first time a female wrestler has placed in the Colorado State Championships. Jaslynn Gallegos is planning on continuing wrestling in college where she will be wrestling other girls.    My opinion on this is in-between. On one hand, I get where the guy is coming from in this situation. He doesn’t want to hurt a girl

Current Event #1 T3 “Not only is Aquaman from Maine, Captain Marvel is, too”

In summary of the article “Not only is Aquaman from Maine, Captain Marvel is, too” by  Emily Burnham, the author explains how not only Aquaman is from Maine, but Captain Marvel is too. The comic released last year highlighted how she grew up in a small Maine town. At first, she just goes to visit her mom and brother, but a series of flashbacks reveal where she grew up. They filled the comic with all the classic Maine things. Pine trees, lighthouses, lobster boats, and even “...slightly embarrassingly written Maine accents.” as the author states. As the author says, it is very interesting that two characters from completely different universes come from the same state. In my opinion, this is great publicity for Maine. We need all the young people in our state that we can get. If this can bring new people moving here, or even tourists, it will be a great benefit to our state. I also think it was funny how the stereotypes for Mainers were so exaggerated. The accents are